Google deadline for SSL certificates is July 2018

In a recent post on Google’s official blog, Google Chrome Security Manager Emily Schechter announced that with the release of Google Chrome version 68, websites without HTTPs encryption will be marked as ‘not secure.’
In simple terms, this means that for website which collects information using forms, an SSL certificate will be mandatory. Fail to use an SSL certificate, and else users will see a ‘not secure’ badge before accessing your website.,
For example:
In the image above, you can see that the browser is showing https:// which means that this website has an SSL certificate in place, and therefore information passing through it does so via a secured encrypted layer.
What is an SSL Certificate?
SSL stands for ‘Secure Socket Layer.’ An SSL Certificate is an industry standard used by millions of websites to ensure a secure web browsing experience for users and to protect their day to day transactions against a potential security breach or cyber-attack.
Does this effect businesses with E-commerce and Non E-commerce websites?
Certainly Yes! At a time when most consumers are aware of the importance of keeping their data safe online, being warned that a website isn’t secure (such as in the image below) could easily be enough to have them hitting the back-button or closing down their browser altogether.
The end result, of course, is a loss of both potential web traffic and, more importantly, potential customers.
Not Secure Warning Alert example in Google Chrome version 68
How You Can Get HTTPS for Your Website
You need to install an SSL certificate which normally comes with a yearly subscription. Not sure how to do this? Simply fill out our enquiry form here or speak with one of our website design experts on 020 37452786 and we’ll be glad to help.
Cost of SSL
Beware that a number of websites are selling with a whopping discount of more than 80%. Whilst this may be good value for your first year, after that year runs out, the price hike can seem severe.
Normally, you’re likely to find that the cost of purchasing SSL will vary between $50 – $80.
Does this mean that SSL is a pre-requisite as well for a non e-commerce website?
Google clearly state that a non-secure badge will be imposed on all websites with textual input fields. This means that even if you are only collecting information via contact form (a basic requirement for any website) you will require a SSL certificate.
When should I consider installing SSL for my website?
If your website is Search Engine Optimised, we strongly suggest that you install an SSL Certificate sooner than rather later to save your SERP (Search Engine Results Page) position. However, website owners who are not doing active SEO campaign may consider it now, or at the very least before Google’s JULY 2018 deadline.
Things You Need Before Installing SSL On Your Website:
- A valid SSL certificate
- Domain access
- Website hosting access
- The technical know-how required to install your SSL or, failing that, expert advice from someone who knows that they’re doing.